Sunday, November 22, 2009

Final Sem

Kevin, u did a great job for "inviting" all the course mate to PD trip. It reminds me of the cameron trip last time. I never thought we would have another chance to go for a trip with so many course mates involved. Really thanks to him. He deserves the credits. Its already my final sem in upm. I just starting to get used to the environment, but now i have to say goodbye to it. I do enjoy my time in Uni. Unfortunately, its all coming to an end now. I wonder why some of my friends dislike their life in Uni. I truly cannot understand them. Maybe they haven't experience the "real" working environment out there. In uni, you don't get scold by your boss, you can have afternoon nap anytime you want, you can skip class whenever you want. What i'm talking here is about freedom of life! Everything's gonna be different when you got yourself a permanent job. Everyday from monday to friday, 8am-6pm. And the worst thing is you cant simply change your job even if you don't like it because you got a family to feed. It turns from worst to disaster when a baby pop out in your life! The burden, responsibility is so heavy that you cant even let yourself down for a second.
It terrifies me when i think about my future. Where will i be working? What kind of job? Will there be a job for me? All these uncertainties is drowning me. Plus the pressure from my brother, family expectation. This even worsen the situation. I hate this...